Our Services

Whether your journey is just beginning, or you're a grizzled veteran in need of a breakthrough, our variety of services can give you the push you need to take your gaming to the next level.

Browse our selection to find what suits you best or book a Free Consultation with one of our industry professionals to help you decide.

League of Legends Coaching

    • An OP.GG Review, followed by a VOD Review identifying consistent mistakes and providing effective solutions, based on your specific needs.

    • Analyze your champ pool, discuss builds, runes, and matchups.

    • Wrap up with some "homework": a list of points to focus on in your upcoming games or some mechanical sharpening you'll need to do in the practice tool

    • An OP.GG Review, followed by a VOD Review identifying consistent mistakes and providing effective solutions, based on your specific needs.

    • Analyze your champ pool, discuss builds, runes, and matchups.

    • Macro-focus plan: visualizing map rotations, jungle pathing, proper warding, splitpushing, sieging, objective control, and your part to play based on your role in the team comp.

    • Wrap up with some "homework": a list of points to focus on in your upcoming games or some mechanical sharpening you'll need to do in the practice tool.

    • Our full Coaching Package, with these additional perks:

    • Mechanical training in the practice tool if you need help with combos.

    • Option for a Live Game coaching session, where we apply the principles we discussed.

    • Wrap up with some "homework": a list of points to focus on in your upcoming games or some mechanical sharpening you'll need to do in the practice tool.

    • A Month-long mentorship program, including multiple sessions with all the perks of our Training Package and more!

    • Meet 1x a week through the course of a month (for a total of 4 hours), analyze your gameplay, recognize patterns, and then establish a personalized practice regiment where we will work to help you play with a conscious mentality. We'll be able to buff out all the rough spots and have a weekly progress report to track improvement. We'll build a strong foundation from which you'll be able to move forward and continue improving on your own.

    • Access to DM your Coach with questions at any time throughout the month.

    • A Month-long mentorship program, including multiple sessions with all the perks of our Training Package and more!

    • Meet 1-2x a week through the course of a month (for a total of 8 hours), analyze your gameplay, recognize patterns, and then establish a personalized practice regiment where we will work to help you play with a conscious mentality. We'll be able to buff out all the rough spots and have a weekly progress report to track improvement. We'll build a strong foundation from which you'll be able to move forward and continue improving on your own.

    • Access to DM your Coach with questions at any time throughout the month.

Teamfight Tactics Coaching

    • A lolchess.gg Review, followed by a VOD Review or Live Game coaching session identifying consistent mistakes and providing effective solutions, based on your specific needs.

    • Basic rundown on meta comps, unit positioning, and strategy.

    • The full Introduction Package with 30 more minutes and the following additional benefits:

    • Deep dive on economy - learn when to hold, roll, or level.

    • Line selection, item economy, Augment selection, and learn how to set up the best synergies.

    • How to take advantage of Streaking and Powerspikes

    • Our full Coaching Package, with an additional hour to deep dive and apply the principles you’ve learned.

    • A Month-long mentorship program, including multiple sessions with all the perks of our Training Package and more!

    • Meet 1x a week through the course of a month (for a total of 4 hours), analyze your gameplay, recognize patterns, and then establish a personalized practice regiment where we will work to help you play with a conscious mentality. We'll be able to buff out all the rough spots and have a weekly progress report to track improvement. We'll build a strong foundation from which you'll be able to move forward and continue improving on your own.

    • Access to DM your Coach with questions at any time throughout the month.

    • A Month-long mentorship program, including multiple sessions with all the perks of our Training Package and more!

    • Meet 1-2x a week through the course of a month (for a total of 8 hours), analyze your gameplay, recognize patterns, and then establish a personalized practice regiment where we will work to help you play with a conscious mentality. We'll be able to buff out all the rough spots and have a weekly progress report to track improvement. We'll build a strong foundation from which you'll be able to move forward and continue improving on your own.

    • Access to DM your Coach with questions at any time throughout the month.

Free Consultation